11th EuroSiva Winter Symposium Crans-Montana Switzerland

EuroSiva Anestesia Total Intravenosa Symposium de Invierno en Crans-Montana (Suiza) 21-23 de Enero de 2010

11 eurosiva winter


Anestesia Total Intravenosa

Symposium de Invierno en Crans-Montana (Suiza)

21-23 de Enero de 2010



Comité Cientí­fico:

Dr Gavin Kenny
Dr Frank Engbers
Dr Michel Struys
Dr Stefan Schraag
Dr Johan Raeder


1. Why intravenous anaesthesia?
2. What pharmacokinetics can tell us. Why do we need to know about PK?
3. Why consider TCI over manual controlled TIVA?
4. What should we know about opioids for TIVA?
5. How can we measure drug effect
6. What do we know about drug interaction
7. The impact of different PK/PD Models in commercial TCI systems.
8. How does PK/PD information guide our dosing?
9. What should we consider about postoperative analgesia after TIVA
10. Is awareness and recall after TIVA any different to volatile anaesthesia
11. What are the most important practical issues for using TIVA and TCI?
12. Sugammadex: advantages and disadvantages
13. Research News

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