3rd European Airway Congress

Presentación del 3rd European Airway Congress que tendrá lugar en Valencia del 1 al 3 de diciembre de 2016

Dear Colleagues,

The 3rd European Airway Congress will take place in Valencia, Spain from 1 to 3 December, 2016.
The Scientific Programme will include «workshops» with clinical scenarios where our experts will offer you some tips and advice on how to solve difficulties with different approaches to manage the airway.
You will not attend the usual lectures. A special select group of experts invited to teach at this conference will delight you with their competence in teaching and simplicity to pass on their experience.
We also invite a submission of abstracts for the conference. All accepted abstracts will be present during poster sessions. The six of the best abstracts will compete in an oral presentation to win the EAMS 2016 best oral presentation prize.
Join us in Valencia for the 3rd EAC 2016


Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3. 46001 València.

Before 2016.11.01                                               Past 2016.11.02
EAMS member 395 €                                       490 €
Non EAMS member 485 €                              580 €
Trainee (Acreditation required) 295 €         380 €

Fee includes:
Workshop participation / Coffee with Expert / Coffee breaks and Lunches
Until 2016.11.18 all cancellations will be penalized by retaining 50% of payment.
After that date penalization will be of 100% of payment.
Pre-Congress Course is not included in registration fee.


Abstract submissions
• September 01 – November 20, 2016 (23:59 CET)
• November 20, 2016 – Accepted abstract presenter preregistration deadline. Presenters of accepted abstracts must pre-register online for the 3rd EAC 2016 before this date
• November 25, 2016 – Deadline for abstract withdrawal

Technical Secretariat

Phone. +34 902 190 848 / Fax +34 902 190 850
e-mail: sanicongress@eac2016.org


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  • En primer lugar felicitarles, por la Organización del Congresio -3 ESMS- y
    mas, que un comentario, darles a conocer que recientemente hemos presentado en el 23rd Congress of the European Association for Cranio Maxillofacial-Facial Surgery (The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, LONDON UK 13-16 September 2016 los Poster Titulados: Double retro-molar intubation (DRI) y Twin-Chanel Perisubmental Endotracheal Intubation (TCPI) , &#8211; Subceptibles de Desarrollo e Investigación-que se pueden ver en: <a href="http://www.medicinaycirugiaoralymaxilofacial.Info&quot; rel="nofollow ugc">http://www.medicinaycirugiaoralymaxilofacial.Info</a&gt;, en el espacio de la Página de Inicio Titulado Categorías y pinchando en Aportaciones, aparecen en español e inglés respectivamente. De la misma manera les invitamos a leer (Google), la reciente Tesis Doctoral de la Dra. Susana Hernández Montero Titulada: Vía aérea: estudio de las repercusiones y consideraciones médicas de la intubación submental con respecto a la traqueostomia y otras técnicas anestésicas en Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial y Especialidades afines.
    Soy de Burjasot (1937) y siempre, he ido con el Valencia FC!!! (Incluso cuando no pocas veces, empezando ganando, en el Bernabéu, se ponía a la defensiva y claro perdía, como yo percibía claramente que iba a pasar!!!).
    Dr. F. Hernández Altemir

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