Carta de la EBA-UEMS al Presidente de la SEDAR

Reproducimos el contenido de la carta que la European Board and Section of Anaesthesiology remiten al Dr. Julián Álvarez Escudero, Presidente de la SEDAR

Object: competences in Intensive Care Medicine of European Anaesthesiologists.

The European Training Requirements in Anaesthesiology (ETR), developed by the European Board of Anaesthesiology (EBA) of the European Union of Medical Specialities (UEMS), recently updated in 2018, clearly indicates that Intensive Care Medicine is an integral part of the body of competences of the Specialist in Anaesthesiology. (
Therefore, Anaesthesiologists trained in Europe, according to EBA-UEMS ETR, have all the competences for Intensive Care Medicine.

EBA-UEMS supports and endorses the official position of the Spanish Society of Anaesthesiology (SEDAR) that Spanish Anaesthesiologists have all the competences and privileges to treat critical patients in all settings.

This statement was unanimously approved by the European Board and Section of Anaesthesiology in Roma on 17 October 2019.

Puede descargar aquí la carta en PDF
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